Ways to Grow Taller Faster

Society, in general, tends to have a belief that taller people are typically going to be more superior and even more attractive than those who are short.  As a direct result of this belief, many teenagers and even adults who think that being taller is an advantage are more than willing to try different methods in order to add a little bit of height to their frames.

However, there are going to be many different factors that are going to play a role in how tall you are going to grow, one of the more important ones being that of genes.  What this means is that your parents are going to have just about everything to do with how tall you currently are, but you can’t blame them, can you? Science has proven that your bones are going to fuse and eventually stop growing after you have gone through puberty and there is pretty much not going to be anything that you are able to do to become taller once this has happened.

With that being said, all is not yet lost.  In fact, there is actually a ray of hope that you can still become taller.  What this means is that there are actually going to be a few things that you can do in order to add some inches to your frame and become the person that you want to be, with the old adage, ‘we chart our own path’, possibly being able to be applied to how tall you are.

How to Increase Your Height Naturally

When it comes to different methods for increasing your height through all-natural methods, there are going to be several different options that you can choose from.  Here is everything that you need to know about increasing your height naturally.

Start Eating to Grow Taller

If you are currently eating a diet that is packed full of unhealthy foods, there is a good chance that you are not going to be getting all of the critical nutrients that your body needs in order to stay healthy and maintain proper bodily functions.  On top of that, if you are consistently not getting the nutrition that your body is craving, it is actually going to be the absolute surest way that you will actually start to become shorter. This happens because when you eat too much junk food, your body will start to become heavier and fatter.  This is going to eventually result to you having a compressed spine, which will also make you have a much shorter stature.

For example, if you haven’t seen a friend in a while and then suddenly see them and notice that they have added a few extra pounds, there is a good chance that you have also wondered why it is that they are not only looking much heavier, but that they also look shorter too.  Well, you now know the answer why.

If you are looking to add some inches onto your frame, you are going to need to make sure that you are eating the right diet, which in this case will include lots of lean proteins (this can include bans, nuts, and soy.) in order to help strengthen the bones in your body and to help you add muscle mass.  If you are serious about adding some inches to your height, you must maintain a strong and proper structure in order to keep you standing tall.

Try to avoid any type of simple carbohydrate at all costs such as cakes, sodas and French fries.  Instead, try to focus on foods that contain these particular nutrients.


Try to eat lots of foods that are rich in calcium such as leafy green veggies, kales and milk.  Your bones are partly made with calcium and it is extremely important for you to replenish these stores occasionally in order for your bones to stay healthy and continue to grow.  

Foods Rich in Zinc

There are many different studies that have been done that suggest there is a relationship between having a stunted growth and zinc deficiency.  While the studies are considered to be inconclusive, it is always going to be best if you are able to incorporate zinc in your daily diet routine.  Some of the foods that are richer in zinc that you can start adding to your diet include squash seeds, wheat germ and foods containing peanuts, such as peanut butter.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is going to be one of the nutrients that is essential when it comes to your bone and muscle growth, especially if you are a younger child.  Vitamin D is not only going to help your body to more easily absorb calcium, but it is also going to aid in the formation of that calcium as well. What this means is that it is always going to be a great idea for you to include foods that are rich in the essential vitamin into your everyday day.  If you do, you are pretty much ensuring that nothing is going to stand between you and becoming taller. You can find Vitamin D in foods such as mushrooms, fish, eggs, alfalfa, and tofu. Another way to get your daily amount of Vitamin D is by being in the sun too. Yup, when you are able to bask in the sun for at least 20 minutes every day, you will be giving your body the healthy dose of the vitamin that it needs.

Nowadays, there is a general tendency for people to diet in order to look leaner and more attractive.  This is simply the new trend. However, this is not a healthy way to live and is actually retrogressive and is going to deprive your body from getting all of the crucial nutrients that it requires in order to grow bigger and taller.

While there is no evidence that any type of link between you drinking caffeine and having a stunted growth actually exists, what caffeine is able to do to you is to act as an appetite suppressant (meaning that you are not going to want to eat as much as you should) and it can also lead you to having a lower quality of sleep.  Now keep in mind that in order for your body to produce and release HGH (human growth hormone), getting a quality night of sleep is going to be crucial.

Start Exercising

The only other natural way for your body to produce more growth hormone other than sleeping like a baby is going to be exercise.  Exercise is essentially going to stimulate your body’s nerve endings that are directly linked with the area of your brain that is associated with the secretion of growth hormone, which will then help the bone tissues in your body to form.  Now there are a lot of people out there who are petrified of exercising, but rest assured there are several different ways that you can be sure you are exercising frequently. Just remember that exercise does not have to be super complicated and the truth of the matter is, exercise can actually be very simple.

One way that you can be sure to get more exercise is to simply join a gym or local recreational sports team.  This way you will have access to many different activities, as well as exercise equipment that you can use to help yourself burn even more calories.  Another idea is to start incorporating more walking into your current lifestyle. These are just a couple of example of how you are able to burn more fat and calories on a regular basis in order not only keep your body healthy and running at optimal performance, but the extra weight loss is also going to help prevent your spine from becoming more compressed.

Keep in mind that exercise is going to be a necessity if you want to keep your body overall healthy.  This is because it is going to help you to strengthen all of the muscles that will support your body structure, as well as your weight.  On top of that, when you become leaner, you are going to appear to be much taller as well. However, not all exercise is going to be able to help you grow taller.  In fact, there are some exercises that can potentially help you to achieve the complete opposite of that.

Some of the ideal exercises that you can start doing today in order to help yourself grow taller are going to include playing basketball and hanging from a pull bar or monkey bar.  Other things such as swimming and cycling are going to be very effective in helping you to increase your muscle strength and stretch out your bones, which is going to in turn allow them to express your true height much better. 

This is because these types of exercises help to decompress and stretch your spine, which will allow all the space between your spinal bones to have cartilage grow into. What this means is that when you are able to stretch and decompress your spinal discs, you are going to help yourself not only appear taller but actually become taller as well.

Another great exercise that you can do in order to grow taller is going to be yoga.  In particular, the cobra pose is a great exercise that is not only going to help you decompress your spine but will also help you to look taller than you normally are.  For this pose, you are going to want to get down onto the floor with your stomach facing the ground. Place your palms underneath your shoulders so that they are lying flat on the floor.  Now lift yourself up, making sure that you arch your spine as much as you possibly can, pushing your head towards the ceiling and behind you. Now repeat this pose several different times per day, each time holding the pose for several seconds at a time.

Start Doing Stretching Exercises

There are many different opinions when it comes to whether or not there is a correlation between stretching and growing taller, most of the debate being almost impossible to sift through.  However, if you are trying to add on a few inches to your height, there are several different things that might finally be able to give you some ray of light when it comes to the matter.

Science has told us all that any chance to grow taller is going to greatly diminish after you have gone through puberty and your bones have fused together.  However, there is a study that has been done that has revealed that a group of seniors was able to attain a taller height after they followed a stretching routine that helped them to decompress their spines on a regular basis.  While trying to determine how non-intrusive spinal decompression that was done for the relief of lower back pain, scientists discovered that these same procedures would not only help to relieve that back pain but that it would also help lead to a height increase as well.

The non-surgical spinal decompression techniques that were used in the study can be compared to stretching exercises that you may or may not already be aware of.  You see, when it comes to your spine, it is nothing more than a series of different bones that have been interconnected by what is known as intervertebral disks, in this case those being the same exact discs that the researchers had decompressed to reduce back pain in their study.

What this all means is that since the seniors were definitely past their puberty stage of life and are able to increase their height by a few inches, then there is a definite possibility that you will be able to grow taller with the use of stretching and other related exercises.  And if not, then at least you tried! However, if you are going to see any kind of actual results, you are going to need to get into a consistent routine of doing stretching exercises every single day. While that may sound intimidating, keep in mind that these stretches are not going to take a ton of time to do.  In fact, you will probably be able to get them all finished in just 5 minutes or so.

So, what stretching exercises should you be doing in order to add a few inches to your frame?  Here are some of the best stretches for decompressing your spine that you can do in the comfort of your own home in order to get some amazing height producing effects.

Rotating the Spine

 A lot of the time it is going to be the exercises that seem to be the simplest that are also going to be the most effective.  That is exactly what you have here with the rotating the spine stretch. In fact, this stretch is not only very simple, but it is also extremely effective as well.  You see, most people are going to be a couple of inches shorter than they really are due to many years of having poor posture. This is going to be the exact reason why you are able to potentially add up to three inches to your total height.

What you are going to want to do for this exercise is to start by extending your arms up overhead as far as you can, then start to rotate side to side as far as you are able too.  This rotation is going to aid you by enhancing the amount of flexibility that your spine has, as well as decompress the spine at the very same time. This combination can help you add a few inches onto your frame.

Cat Stretch

For this stretch, you are going to start by getting onto your hands and knees, being sure that you place your hands onto the floor directly below your shoulders, arms straight.  Next, stretch your spine down by trying to push your stomach to the floor (while keeping your arms straight so only your midsection is moving), take a deep inhale, bringing your head upwards.  Hold this for a second and when you exhale, do the opposite and arch your spine to the ceiling while bringing your head downwards towards the floor. Repeat this process so that you have stretched your spine towards the floor and ceiling a few times each and you start to feel relaxed.

The Leg Stretch

For this basic stretch, start by sitting down with your legs spread as far apart as you can get them.  Next, bend down towards the floor, trying to grab your toes with your hands. During the entire movement, be sure that you keep your legs and back as straight as you possibly can.  If done correctly, this stretch is going to feel like a miracle worker has just visited your legs and spine, which is a good thing. Repeat this stretch several more times, each one lasting roughly 15 seconds or so.

If you are able to successfully incorporate the above stretching exercises into your daily routine (which should only take you a total of about 5 minutes per day), it will do wonders to decompress your spine and help you gain the inches that you are looking for.  

While eating correctly and incorporating the right exercise and stretches into your regular daily routine is going to do wonders for adding some inches to your height, another major part of growing taller is going to be making sure that you get enough sleep.

Sleeping to Become Taller

It seems as though every single day is getting busier and busier, meaning that you are somehow tasked with finding more time during the day to get everything done.  What this means is that you are more than likely going to be taking that time out of your sleep time, meaning that you are going to be getting less sleep than you should be.  Unfortunately, though, getting a sufficient amount of sleep is actually going to be one of the pillars when it comes to becoming healthier, growing stronger, and even becoming taller.

There are some cultures out there where parents do tell their children that if they wish to grow taller and healthier, then they are going to have to be sure and get enough sleep.  Luckily for those children, there is actually some truth in those claims.

You see, your body is going to be HGH (better known as human growth hormone) when you are sleeping.  So, the longer you are able to sleep, the more HGH your body is going to be able to produce. However, to really take advantage of this, you are going to need to be in a state of deep sleep.  But a bonus benefit of this is that you will also be decompressing your spine while you are in this state of deep sleep as well, and you’ll even be helping your muscles to relax while giving your entire a body a chance to recharge itself as well.

What this means is that HGH is essentially going to be the critical player in building and repairing all of the different types of body tissues, some of which include bones, skin and tendons.  The end result of this is going to be a much-improved muscle tone, healed wounds, and yes, an increase in your height.

One of the main functions of this HGH is going to be to make your bones stronger and thicker.  On top of that, it is also responsible for making them longer as well, which means that you are going to be taller.  When you are able to get a full night of quality sleep, you will be maximizing your body’s ability to produce this hormone, and have it works it’s magic on your entire body.  

When it comes to growing taller, when you are able to eat correctly, start an exercise and stretching routine, and get quality nights of sleep, you will have the perfect combination to add some inches to your height. So, that’s how to grow taller.


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