Foods That Make You Taller – What To Eat to Grow Tall

Imagine if you were able to change your diet so that you would only be eating the foods that contain all of the most powerful nutrients that would help you grow taller than you already are without the use of height growth pills.  Doesn’t sound like it would be something that would be very practical or that would even fit into your current daily regimen, does it? But what if there were actually foods that you could start eating as soon as today that would help you to do just that, would you do it?  More than likely, if you were able to eat certain foods that would help you grow taller day by day, you probably would start eating those foods. Fortunately for you, there are actually foods that will help you to grow taller when you eat them on a regular basis.

And what makes these particular foods even better, is the fact that they are all going to be completely free of any dairy (which means you can even eat all of the foods on this list if you are lactose intolerant), and are all going to be completely natural foods that you can simply go down to your local grocery store and purchase today.  However, before we get to the foods that you need to be eating in order to help you grow taller, there is going to be something that you must know first.

The Most Important Biochemical That You Need in Order to Help Yourself Grow Taller

Before jumping head first into the foods that you should be eating on a daily basis in order to start growing taller, you must know that there is going to be one ingredient that is pretty much essential when it comes to growing taller.  

Now you are probably thinking that this may be something along the lines of Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Protein, or even Magnesium.  While those are all going to be great guesses, they are not going to be the one ingredient that you must have if you are going to be growing taller any time soon.  Yes, the above-mentioned nutrients are going to be very important when it comes to growing taller, there is one thing that is going to be even more important that you must have within your body if you are going to start growing.  In fact, without this one particular biochemical, you are not going to be able to grow taller at all. That biochemical is what is referred to as Human Growth Hormone.

Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone, which is more commonly referred to as HGH, is going to be the absolute most important chemical that your body is going to be producing naturally for your body to grow taller, but to also aid every single cell in your body in growing larger as well.  On top of that, HGH is also going to be a crucial chemical that is required by your body to allow all of the tissues and organs to not only function properly, but to also maintain that optimal function as well.

Unfortunately, when it comes to HGH, as you continue aging, the amount of HGH that your body is going to naturally produce is going to start decreasing.  What this means, is that you are going to need to do your part through nutrition in order to make sure that your HGH levels are not dipping down too low. With that being said, you do need to keep in mind that there are actually no foods known on the planet that actually contain any HGH, but rather there are foods that will help your body to start producing more HGH naturally and without having to take any kind of dangerous supplements.

While the entire process of how HGH is going to help you in your quest to grow taller is a topic for a different day, just know that you are going to need to maintain a sufficient amount of HGH within your body if you are any type of serious when it comes to growing taller and maximizing your height.

Now onto the good stuff!  Here are the foods that you need to be eating on a regular basis in order to start boosting the HGH levels within your body naturally.

Foods That Boost Your HGH Levels

When it comes to the foods that are on this list, you are not going to need to eat every single one on a daily basis.  Rather, what you should try to do is sample all of the foods mentioned below and decide which ones you enjoy eating the most and will be the easiest to incorporate into your regular diet routine.  Once you have done this, it will be much easier for you to start incorporating them on a regular basis, meaning that you will start to increase your HGH levels within your body all naturally.


When you are able to eat pineapple on a regular basis, it is going to help your body to produce more melatonin during the night.  In case you were unfamiliar with melatonin, it is going to help you get a better quality of sleep. This is very important when it comes to growing taller, as the better the quality of sleep that you are able to get every night, the more HGH your body is going to be able to produce naturally.  And if getting a better quality of sleep in order to produce more HGH naturally in order to grow taller wasn’t good enough for you, pineapples are also going to be very beneficial when it comes to your digestive processes. The bottom line here is that you need to start eating more pineapple.

Grass-Fed Beef

Grass-fed beef is essentially going to be cows that had an all-natural grass diet their entire life.  What makes this particular type of beef so much better than beef that was raised on a type of feed, is that the cows that were on the grass diet are going to provide you with many more, as well as a wider variety, of the amino acids that you require in order to be healthy.  In fact, these amino acids are going to be essentially vital when it comes to maintaining the strength of your bones. This is going to be really important when comes to growing taller, as it means your bones are going to have much more stress put on them. If your bones are weak, they may not be able to support your new found height and can potentially start to cause some serious problems.

Coconut Oil

When you consume foods that are packed full of the healthy fats that your body needs in order to function properly and stay healthy (such as coconut oil), it is going to actually help your body to burn more fat than if you were not incorporating them into your diet.  What this means, is that you are essentially going to be consuming fats so that your body will be able to burn and lose fats. So, you are going to be eating fats in order to lose fat. Talk about ironic!

Raw Chocolate

When you start to incorporate raw chocolate into your diet on a regular basis, it is going to help your body to do several different things.  For starters, the raw chocolate is going to help to stimulate your pituitary gland. This is good as it will start producing more dopamine and HGH, which are both going to be very helpful in order for you to start growing taller.  As if that weren’t enough, raw chocolate is also going to be a very good source of an amino acid, that amino acid being tryptophan.


Raisons are not only a delicious and easy to start incorporating into your daily diet routine, but they are also packed of an amino acid that is known as L-Arginine.  This is important to make note of as L-Arginine is going to aid your body in elevating the amount of HGH levels, which again, is pretty much the only way that you are going to be able to start growing taller naturally.

When you are able to eat these particular foods on a regular basis, your body is going to start producing more HGH, which means that your HGH levels are going to start increasing.  Once this happens, you may start to notice that you have started to grow taller than you already are.

While HGH is pivotal when it comes to growing taller through the foods that you eat, it is not going to be the only thing required in order to grow taller.  There are actually some micronutrients that are also going to help you to grow taller.  

Micronutrients to Help You Reach Your Maximal Height

Once you have started to increase your levels of HGH, it is time to give your body the fuel that is required in order to get all of the nutrients that it needs to help support the growing of your bones.  Now you may be wondering which nutrients are considered the ‘right’ nutrients?

If you are, not to worry as you are about to discover them right now.  The micronutrients that are going to be pretty much essential for helping your bones grow (which is only going to make you taller), are going to be Calcium, Vitamin D and Magnesium.

Here is what you need to know about all three of these micronutrients.


When it comes to your bones, Calcium is going to be one of the essential micronutrients that are going to be responsible for the building, lengthening and even the maintenance of the bones structure, which ends up being pretty much the main mechanism that is going to allow your body to start growing taller.

Some of the foods that you can eat that will help you increase the amount of Calcium that you consume are:


Salmon is one of the foods that is not only packed full of proteins, but it is also rich in two types of omega 3 fatty acids, those being EPA and DHA.  This is good for you as it is going to help you with brain development, as well as help your body prevent any type of heart disease from occurring.


Oatmeal is a food that is very rich in both insoluble and soluble fiber.  The soluble fiber that oatmeal contains is very helpful to your body when it comes to lowering your cholesterol levels, as well as helping to stabilize your body’s blood glucose levels.

White Beans

White beans are going to be one of the best sources for iron, which is essentially going to be one of the vital nutrients that is involved with the production of your body’s red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin.  It is going to be these cells that are tasked with supplying your entire body with all of the oxygen that it needs in order to function properly.

Vitamin D

Very similar to that of Calcium, Vitamin D is going to help your body maintain its function and overall health of your bones, which is going to be a crucial step if you are serious about growing taller.  On top of that, it also brings some other good benefits that you are probably going to want to be a part of. These include protecting you from many diseases and health conditions that can include cancer, type 1 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.  

With that being said, you should make a note that most of the foods that are going to contain a high level of Vitamin D in them are normally going to also contain a high level of Calcium and vice versa.

Some foods that are rich in Vitamin D and that you should start incorporating into your regular diet include:


Eggs not only taste amazing and are very easy to prepare, but they are also rich in Vitamin A, another essential nutrient when it comes to helping your bones grow.  On top of that, Vitamin A is also going to be very beneficial in regard to your eye health.


Tuna is also a great source of the healthy omega 3 fatty acids that you could always use more of, as they help with reducing the amount of omega 6 fatty acids and the bad cholesterol that builds up within your blood vessels.  What this means, is that your cardiovascular system is essentially going to be optimized to be much healthier.


Whenever you eat mushrooms, you are going to be consuming Alpha and Beta glucans.  This is good as they are going to be extremely beneficial when it comes to your immune system health.  As if that weren’t enough, they are also packed full of antioxidants that can be difficult to find other foods, known as ergothioneine, which is going to help to protect your DNA from any type of oxidative damage.


Magnesium is important for your body to have because it is going to help process all of the Calcium and Vitamin D that you have just started consuming.  So, when you partner these 3 micronutrients together, you are setting up the perfect storm for growing taller. On top of that, Magnesium is also going to help you prevent any kind of Osteoporosis from occurring, which is a very serious bone disease that can potentially become lethal to you and your ability to grow taller.

Some foods that will help boost your levels of Magnesium are going to be:


Bananas are possibly the absolute best source of Potassium on the planet.  Potassium is essential as it is going to help to enhance your metabolism and muscle strength, while decreasing your risk for kidney and heart disorders.


Almonds are another food that is going to be rich in Potassium and is very easy to incorporate into your diet on a daily basis.  But besides only being packed full of Potassium, almonds also contain Vitamin E and iron. Vitamin E is going to help you protect your body against many different types of diseases, some of which include diabetes, Alzheimer’s and many of the very harmful toxins that you breathe every day in the form of air pollution.


Avocados are a great source for healthy fats.  When you eat avocados on a regular basis, you will be helping your body to lower the amount of LDL cholesterol (the bad one) that is inside your body, as well as to help fight Osteoarthritis, which just so happens to be another disease that your bones can get and will make it pretty much impossible to grow taller.

When it comes to trying to grow taller through eating the right foods, it can be a very challenging task.  But when you are able to incorporate the right foods that make you taller on a regular basis, growing taller through eating foods is definitely something that you can do.

Next – Growth Factor Plus Review


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